dhnam2211   5년 전

  • One line with two integers xK and yK (1 ≤ xKyK ≤ 8), separated by a single space, specifying the initial position of the White king. Here, xK denotes the column (counted from the left) and yK denotes the row (counted from below).

    This initial position is neither a forbidden field, nor a fixed dangerous field.

  • One line with two integers xP and yP (1 ≤ xPyP ≤ 8), separated by a single space, specifying the initial position of the Black pawn. Here, xP denotes the column (counted from the left) and yP denotes the row (counted from below).

번역에 x, y좌표의 기준이 누락되어 있습니다. 원문에는 x의 경우 counted from the left, y의 경우 counted from below라고 명확하게 명시되어 있습니다.

startlink   5년 전


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