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A palindrome is a word, phrase, number or other sequence of characters which reads the same backwards or forwards. Given a string of lower case letters, can you make it a palindrome by deleting exactly one character? Note that the size of the string after deletion would be one less than it was before. 


Up to 30 lines each containing from 3 to 30 lower case letters. The final line will just contain # - do not process this line.


If it is possible to make a palindrome from the text by deleting one letter, display the palindrome text. If it is not possible, display not possible.

It may be possible to make more than one palindrome by deleting a single letter. For example, madmam will become mamam if the d is deleted, or madam if the middle m is deleted. In such a case, display the palindrome formed by deleting the earliest letter from the text.

예제 입력 1


예제 출력 1

not possible