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It’s well known in China that O(n2) algorithms can pass in a problem with n = 106 easily.

You are given a tree with n vertices and n − 1 edges (u1, v1),(u2, v2), . . . ,(un−1, vn−1). For each vertex u, there is a set Su. Initially Su = {u}.

There are two types of operations:

  • “1 u”: output the number of sets Sv (1 ≤ v ≤ n) that contain u.
  • “2 p”: take the sets Sup and Svp and assign Sup ∪ Svp to both of them.

You need to perform m operations. Output the answer for each operation of the first kind.


The first line contains two integers n, m (2 ≤ n ≤ 2 · 105, 1 ≤ m ≤ 6 · 105).

Each of the following n − 1 lines contains two integers ui, vi describing an edge of the tree (1 ≤ ui, vi ≤ n).

Each of the following m lines contains two integers t, w describing an operation (1 ≤ t ≤ 2, 1 ≤ w ≤ n + 1 − t).


For each operation of the first kind, output an integer on a separate line.

예제 입력 1

5 11
1 2
1 3
1 4
1 5
2 4
2 3
2 2
2 1
1 1
1 2
1 3
2 2
2 3
1 4
1 5

예제 출력 1