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Adam is making Bob a hand-crafted necklace as a gift. A necklace consists of $n$ beads, numbered $0$ to $n-1$ from left to right. Each bead can either be red or blue in colour. Bob has sent Adam a list of $r$ requirements for the necklace. The $i$th requirement ($0 \leq i \lt r$) states that the beads from positions $a[i]$ to $b[i]$ inclusive should have $x[i]$ unique colours. 

Help Adam find a possible configuration of beads that satisfies all of Bob's requirements, or determine that it is impossible.


You should implement the following procedure:

int construct(int n, int r, int[] a, int[] b, int[] x)
  • $n$: number of beads.
  • $r$: number of requirements.
  • $a$: an array of length $r$, the starting position of each requirement.
  • $b$: an array of length $r$, the ending position of each requirement.
  • $x$: an array of length $r$, the number of unique colours for each requirement.
  • This procedure will be called exactly once.
  • If a construction is possible, this procedure should make exactly one call to craft to report the construction, following which it should return $1$.
  • Otherwise, the procedure should return $0$ without making any calls to craft.

Your program should call the following procedure to report the construction:

void craft(string s)
  • $s$, a string of length $n$, with $s[i]$ equal to 'R' if the $i$th bead is red, or 'B' if it is blue.


  • $1 \leq n, r \leq 500\;000$
  • $0 \leq a[i] \leq b[i] \leq n-1$ (for all $0 \leq i \leq n-1$)
  • $1 \leq x[i] \leq 2$ (for all $0 \leq i \leq n-1$)

예시 1

Consider the following call:

construct(4, 2, [0, 2], [2, 3], [1, 2])

This means that there are a total of $4$ beads and $2$ requirements as follows:

  • positions $0$ to $2$ should have $1$ unique colour,
  • positions $2$ to $3$ should have $2$ unique colours. 

This can be achieved by colouring beads $0$ to $2$ red, and bead $3$ blue.

Therefore, the construct procedure should make the following call:

  • craft("RRRB")

It should then return $1$.

In this case, there are multiple constructions that fit the requirements, all of which would be considered correct.

예시 2

Consider the following call:

construct(3, 3, [0, 1, 0], [1, 2, 2], [1, 1, 2])

This means that there are a total of $3$ beads and $3$ requirements as follows:

  • positions $0$ to $1$ should have $1$ unique colour,
  • positions $1$ to $2$ should have $1$ unique colour,
  • positions $0$ to $2$ should have $2$ unique colours. 

In this case, there are no possible configuration of beads that satisfy all the requirements.

As such, the construct procedure should return $0$ without making any call to craft.



$x[i] = 1$ (for all $0 \leq i \leq n-1$)


$x[i] = 2$ (for all $0 \leq i \leq n-1$)


$1 \leq n, r \leq 18$


$1 \leq n, r \leq 2000$


No additional constraints.


제출할 수 있는 언어

C++17, C++14, C++20, C++14 (Clang), C++17 (Clang), C++20 (Clang)

채점 및 기타 정보

  • 예제는 채점하지 않는다.