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There is a street of length $l$ meters stretching from left to right, with $n$ small routers occupying various distinct positions along it. The origin is defined to be the leftmost point of the street. The routers are labelled $0$ to $n-1$ from left to right, and router $i$ is placed $p[i]$ meters away from the origin.

It is guaranteed that router $0$ is at the origin, and the distance in meters from each router to the origin is an even integer

You wish to find out the position of each of the $n$ routers. As the routers are very small and difficult to spot from afar, you've decided to use the following procedure to find them:

  • Place a detector on a spot that is $x$ meters away from the origin,
  • Use the detector to find the label of the router closest to it. If there are two routers that are the same distance away from it, it will respond with the router with the smaller label.

You are allowed to use the detector at most $q$ times. Devise a strategy to find the positions of all the routers.


You should implement the following procedure:

int[] find_routers(int l, int n, int q)
  • $l$: length of the street in meters.
  • $n$: number of routers.
  • $q$: maximum number of times the detector can be used.
  • This procedure will be called exactly once by the grader.
  • It should return an array $p$ indicating the positions of each router, with $p[i]$ being the distance between router $x$ and the origin.

The above procedure can make calls to the following procedure:

int use_detector(int x)
  • $x$: distance between the detector and the origin.
  • $x$ must be at least $0$ and at most $l$.
  • This procedure will return the label of the router closest to the detector. If there are two routers that are the same distance away from it, it will return the smaller label.
  • This procedure may be called no more than $q$ times.


  • $p[0]=0$
  • $0 \leq p[i] \leq l$ and $p[i]$ is even. (for all $0 \leq i \leq n-1$)
  • $p[i] < p[i+1]$ (for all $0 \leq i \leq n-2$)

예시 1

Consider the following call:

find_routers(5, 2, 10)

There are $2$ routers on a street of length $5$ meters and you are allowed at most $10$ calls to use_detector. Suppose the routers are placed at $0$ and $4$ meters away from the origin respectively.

The find_routers procedure may choose to call use_detector(3), which returns $1$, as router $1$ at position $4$ is closest to the detector.

The find_routers procedure may then choose to call use_detector(2), which returns $0$, as both routers $0$ and $1$ are the same distance away from the detector and router $0$ has a smaller label.

At this point, there is sufficient information to conclude that the routers are at positions $0$ and $4$ respectively.

As such, the find_routers procedure should return [$0$, $4$]. 

예시 2

Consider the following call:

find_routers(6, 3, 10)

There are $3$ routers on a street of length $6$ meters and you are allowed at most $10$ calls to use_detector. Suppose the routers are placed at $0$, $2$ and $6$ meters away from the origin respectively.

The find_routers procedure may choose to call use_detector(5), which returns $2$ as router $2$ is at position $6$ and therefore is the closest to the detector.

The find_routers procedure may then choose to call use_detector(4), which returns $1$, as routers $1$ and $2$ are an equal distance away from the detector.

At this point, there is sufficient information to conclude that the routers are at positions $0$, $2$ and $6$ respectively.

As such, the find_routers procedure should return [$0$, $2$, $6$].



$l = 100\;000$, $n = 2$, $q = 100\;001$


$l = 100\;000$, $n = 100$, $q = 100\;001$


$l = 100\;000$, $n = 2$, $q = 20$


$l = 100\;000$, $n = 1000$, $q = 20\;000$


제출할 수 있는 언어

C++17, C++14, C++20, C++14 (Clang), C++17 (Clang), C++20 (Clang)

채점 및 기타 정보

  • 예제는 채점하지 않는다.