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2 초 512 MB2411129143.541%


Iris likes to draw different shapes on a grid paper. Her favorite shape is a square. She has recently tried to draw a square with area $s$, but since she uses a grid paper, she wants all the vertices of the square to have integer coordinates.

Can you help her find such a square?


The input contains a single integer $s$ ($1\le s\le 1000$).


If it is possible to construct the required square, output four pairs of integers: the coordinates of the vertices of the square, in any order. All coordinates should be in the range from $-10^9$ to $10^9$. If there are multiple answers, output any of them.

If it is impossible to construct the required square, print "Impossible".

예제 입력 1


예제 출력 1

2 4
3 2
4 5
5 3

예제 입력 2


예제 출력 2
