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The admission interview at the prestigious University of Cambridge consist of N tasks, numbered from 1 to N. Alex is there right now, waiting to attend the interview. Takahiro Wong, who has just finished his interview, solved all the tasks. More precisely, he solved the i-th problem after Di seconds from the beginning of the interview.

Knowing the fact that he can solve the i-th problem in Ti seconds, Alex asks himself M questions: x y. For every question, Alex will consider only the tasks from the interval [x;y] and he wants to know whether he can solve each of these tasks before Takahiro Wong. (Alex can solve the tasks from the interval [x;y] in any order).

For example, let’s consider that Alex has to solve the tasks a and b (in this order). He will finish task a after Ta seconds, and task b after Ta + Tb seconds. Alex will solve both problems before Takahiro Wong if Ta < Da and Ta + Tb < Db.

Both Takahiro Wong and Alex will start their interviews at second 0.

Help Alex answer correctly to all M questions.


  • The first line of the standard input will contain N and M.
    • N - the number of tasks, M - the number of questions.
  • On the following N lines, there will be Ti and Di.
    • Ti - the time needed for Alex to solve the i-th problem
    • Di - the time (from the beginning of his interview) after Takahiro Wong will solve the i-th problem.
  • On the following M lines, there will be x and y, representing the interval [x;y]


The standard output will contain M lines, the answers to the M questions.

The i-th line will contain:

  • 1, if Alex cand solve all the tasks from the interval [x;y] before Takahiro Wond
  • 0, otherwise.


  • 1 ≤ N, M ≤ 105
  • 1 ≤ Ti < Di ≤ 109
  • The Di values are not distinct (there can be a value that appears multiple times)
  • Alex can’t solve 2 tasks in the same time, but Takahiro Wong can (The Divalues are not distinct).

예제 입력 1

4 3
1 10
14 18
2 7
10 12
3 4
2 4
1 3

예제 출력 1



The 3rd question refers to the interval [1;3]:

  • There are 6 ways Alex can solve the tasks: (1,2,3), (1, 3, 2), (2, 1, 3), (2, 3, 1), (3, 1, 2), (3, 2, 1).
  • If he solves the tasks in the order (1, 3, 2), we have to fulfill the following relations: T1 < D1, T1 + T3 < D3 and T1 + T3 + T2 < D2. We can see that all of them are true.
  • Because Alex found at least one way to solve all the problems before Takahiro Wong, the answer is 1 for the third question.