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This problem is interactive.

We have hidden from you an undirected graph $G$ on $n$ vertices. It is guaranteed to be connected and to not contain multiple edges or self-loops.

You can ask up to $60$ queries of the following form:

  • Consider a subset $S$ of all vertices of $G$. How many edges are there in the subgraph induced by $S$? In other words, how many edges in $G$ have both their endpoints in $S$?

Your goal is to determine whether there exists an Eulerian cycle in this graph. An Eulerian cycle is a path in the graph that goes through every edge exactly once, and it starts and ends in the same vertex.

Note that graph $G$ is fixed before the start of interaction. In other words, the interactor is not adaptive.


The first line contains a single integer $n$ ($3 \le n \le 10^4$), the number of vertices in $G$. It is guaranteed that $G$ has no more than $10^5$ edges, is connected, and does not contain multiple edges or self-loops.


You start the interaction by reading a line with the integer $n$.

To find the number of edges in the subgraph of $G$ on $k$ vertices $x_1, x_2, \ldots, x_k$, print a line formatted as "? k x1 x2 ... xk" ($0 \le k \le n$, $1 \le x_i \le n$, all $x_i$ are distinct).

In response, the jury program will print a line with a single integer $m$: the number of such edges.

In case your query is invalid, or if you asked more than $60$ queries, the jury program will print $-1$ and will finish interaction. You will receive "\text{Wrong answer}" outcome. Make sure to terminate your solution immediately to avoid getting other outcomes.

When you have determined whether the graph contains an Eulerian cycle, print a single line: "! YES" if such a cycle exists, and "! NO" if it doesn't.

After printing each line, do not forget to output the end-of-line and to flush the output. Otherwise, you will receive "\text{Idleness limit exceeded}" outcome.

예제 입력 1




예제 출력 1

? 2 1 2

? 2 1 3

! NO


The hidden graph in the example is the graph with $3$ vertices and edges $(2, 1)$ and $(2, 3)$.

채점 및 기타 정보

  • 예제는 채점하지 않는다.