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Consider a flat rectangular field consisting of $r \times c$ squares. Some squares of the field are free, while others are blocked.

Arkadiy the Robot wants to cover the field with dominoes. In order to do that, he assigns the value $0$ to his internal variable counter, and then calls the recursive function Tile shown below.

Function Tile acts as follows:
1.  Increase counter by 1.
2.  If no squares are free, return OK.
3.  Let (row, col) be lexicographically first free square.
4.  If square (row, col+1) exists and is free:
4.1.    Put a domino on squares (row, col) and (row, col+1).
4.2.    If call to Tile returns OK, return OK.
4.3.    Remove the domino on squares (row, col) and (row, col+1).
5.  If square (row+1, col) exists and is free:
5.1.    Put a domino on squares (row, col) and (row+1, col).
5.2.    If call to Tile returns OK, return OK.
5.3.    Remove the domino on squares (row, col) and (row+1, col).
6.  Return NO.

The variable counter is global (it is the same in all calls), while variables row and col are local (defined separately in each call). When a value is returned, the function terminates immediately. A "call to Tile" means a recursive call of the same function. The squares covered with dominoes are considered blocked.

If function Tile returned OK to Arkadiy, the robot has successfully covered the field with dominoes. If the function returned NO, it means that Arkadiy tried all possible ways to cover the field, but was not successful.

A friend of Arkadiy, Bertrand the Robot, heard from his hacker friends that Arkadiy is programmed to have some interesting behavior in case the field is covered by exactly $k$ calls to Tile, that is, the value of the counter variable at the end of the algorithm is exactly $k$. Help to make that happen: print a field which Arkadiy will successfully cover with dominoes in such a way that function Tile will be called exactly $k$ times.


The first line of input contains one integer $k$: the required number of calls ($1 \le k \le 10\,000\,000$).


On the first line, print two integers $r$ and $c$ separated by a space: the dimensions of the field ($1 \le r, c \le 100$). Starting from the second line, print $r$ lines, each containing $c$ characters: a rectangular field. Free squares are denoted by "." (dot, ASCII code 46), and blocked squares are denoted by "x" (lowercase letter ex, ASCII code 120). If there are several possible solutions, print any one of them.

예제 입력 1


예제 출력 1

4 6

예제 입력 2


예제 출력 2

3 3