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It is well known that when cats get into a hollow vessels they demonstrate properties of a liquid.

Mathematician Petrov often observed this phenomena by example of his cats and even conducted a series of experiments constructing different kinds of vessels and putting cats into them. It turned out that cats always choose their position to be as low as possible, more precisely --- to minimize level of highest point of their body. In case of several pits in the vessel, cats choose the lowest one but only from those in which they would fit.

A brilliant thought came into Petrov's head: in fact, cats can be used as an analog computers for solving some problems of quantum optimization! To check his hypothesis, mathematician Petrov developed the following mathematical model:

Let's imagine a vessel as a table $T$ of size $n \times m$. Some cells are walls, the rest of the cells are empty. A placement of a cat in the vessel is optimal if the following conditions met:

  1. The cat occupies several empty cells. And all of the cells occupied by the cat form a connected shape of $k$ cells. A shape is connected if each of its cells can be reached from any other cell by moving through adjacent by-side cells (and all the transitional cells are also occupied by the cat).
  2. Level of the highest cell $h$ occupied by the cat should be as low as possible. Rows of the table are numbered from $1$ to $n$ and a row is higher if its number is less.

Unfortunately, mathematician Petrov is not skilled in programming. He asks you to determine the height of the highest cell $h$ occupied by a cat for a given table $T$ and a cat's volume $k$.


The first line contains integers $n$, $m$, and $k$ ($1 \le n,m \le 1000$, $1 \le k \le 10^6$).

The following $n$ lines contain $m$ symbols each --- a description of table $T$. The $j$-th symbol of the $i$-th row corresponds to a cell on intersection of the $i$-th row and the $j$-th column of $T$. "\#" means that this cell is a wall, and "." means that this cell is empty.


Output the number of a row which contains the highest occupied cell for any optimal placement of a cat. If a cat cannot by placed in vessel, output "-1" (without quotes).

예제 입력 1

6 11 7

예제 출력 1


예제 입력 2

6 11 15

예제 출력 2


예제 입력 3

5 11 30

예제 출력 3



An optimal placement of a cat for each sample can be the following: