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In this problem, we will be playing a popular game, <<Minesweeper>>.

The game takes place on a rectangular field with $H \times W$ cells. $K$ mines are randomly placed in the cells of the field, and their locations are unknown to the player. The goal is to find the mines safely.

Initially, all cells are <<closed>>. The player can <<open>> any cell in the field. If there is a mine in the opened cell, the game ends. Otherwise, the player is informed about the number of mines in the cells adjacent to that cell by their sides or corners. The game ends when precisely $K$ cells remain closed in the field --- i.e. the cells containing mines.

Often, the available information is insufficient to determine the precise location of the mines. In these cases, the player has to guess and tries to open a cell which may contain a mine. To minimize the effect of these dangerous situations, the player can make up to six mistakes by opening a cell with mine. On opening such cell, the player is informed about the mine, the cell remains closed, and the game continues. If you open a mine-containing cell for the seventh time, you will lose.

The game fields are generated randomly in the following manner. The jury defines the field size $W$ by $H$, the number of mines $K$ and the magic number $S$. After that, the following pseudorandom sequence of integers is generated: $$ T_0 = S $$ $$ T_{i+1} = (48\,271 * T_i) \,\operatorname{mod}\, 2\,147\,483\,647 $$

Then the mine locations are obtained from this sequence. Its elements $T_1$, $T_2$, $T_3$, $\ldots$ are iterated in order. For each element $T_i$, the row index $r_i$ and the column index $c_i$ are obtained using formulas: $$ r_i = \left\lfloor \frac{T_i}{W} \right\rfloor \,\operatorname{mod}\, H \qquad c_i = T_i \,\operatorname{mod}\, W, $$ and the mine is set into the corresponding cell, if it is not yet there. The process of setting mines ends as soon as the number of mines becomes equals to $K$.

The rows and colums are numbered from zero.

인터랙션 프로토콜

This is an interactive problem. Instead of working with file input-output, you will be working with a special program --- an interactor. Interacting with this program is performed through the standard input-output streams.

Upon the start, the input stream of your program is given a line containing three integers $H$, $W$ and $K$. In all tests, $H = 16$, $W = 30$, and number $K$ is chosed randomly in range from $100$ to $200$ inclusive. The magic number $S$ is not provided in the input, but jury chooses it randomly in range from $100$ to $10\,000$ inclusive.

Next, your program must send opening queries to the standard output stream. Each query must consist of a single line with two numbers: the row index $r$ ($0$ $\le$ $r$ $\le$ $H-1$) and column index $c$ ($0$ $\le$ $c$ $\le$ $W-1$) of the cell which is opened.

When each query is sent, one of the following responses is possible:

  • Empty, followed by an integer from 0 to 8 --- you have opened an empty cell, and the number of mines in the adjacent cells is provided.
  • Boom --- you have attempted to open a cell with a mine and made one of the forgivable errors.
  • Lose --- you have stepped on a mine and lost.
  • Win --- you win. Yay!

The answers Empty and Boom mean that the game continues. After getting the answers Lose or Win your game must end without printing anything else into the standard output stream. You can open one cell several times. The number of queries must not exceed $2 \cdot W \cdot H$, otherwise the solution will get the \textsf{Wrong Answer} verdict. Make sure you print the line break symbol and flush the output stream buffer (the flush command of the programming language) after each printed command. Otherwise the solution can get the \textsf{Timeout} verdict.

예제 입력 1

16 30 137
Empty 2
Empty 0
Empty 2
Empty 6

예제 출력 1

0 0
0 2
15 29
14 27
15 26
4 15
15 28


The fully uncovered field in the sample (which is also the first test) is:


채점 및 기타 정보

  • 예제는 채점하지 않는다.