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Pak Dengklek will play a magic trick. Pak Dengklek's assistant, Pak Ganesh, has $N$ cards numbered from $1$ to $N$. A spectator is invited to the stage to choose $K$ distinct cards out of them and give them to Pak Ganesh. Pak Ganesh sees the card, then discards one of the $K$ cards, then leaves the remaining $K - 1$ cards in some order on the table. Pak Dengklek then looks at the $K - 1$ cards on the table and must be able to determine the card discarded by Pak Ganesh.

Obviously, Pak Dengklek and Pak Ganesh must not communicate right after the trick is started, but they can determine their strategy before the trick is started. You must help them by designing their strategy. This time, Pak Dengklek and Pak Ganesh will play this trick $Q$ times with the same value of $N$ and $K$.


You should implement the following procedures:

void init_assistant(int N, int K)
  • $N$: the number of cards in the trick.
  • $K$: the number of cards chosen by the spectator.
  • This procedure is called exactly once, before any calls to choose_cards.
int[] choose_cards(int[] cards)
  • $cards$: an array of length $K$, consisting of the card numbers chosen by the spectator in increasing order.
  • This procedure should return the $K - 1$ cards left by Pak Ganesh on the table together with the order. All elements must be unique and exist in the cards array.
  • This procedure is called exactly $Q$ times.
void init_magician(int N, int K)
  • $N$: the number of cards in the trick.
  • $K$: the number of cards chosen by the spectator.
  • This procedure is called exactly once, before any calls to find_discarded_card.
int find_discarded_card(int[] cards)
  • $cards$: an array of length $K - 1$ consisting of the card numbers left on the table in that order.
  • This procedure should return the card number discarded by Pak Ganesh. This procedure is called exactly Q times.

Each test case involves a single scenario of $N$ and $K$. A program that calls the above procedures is run exactly two times, as follows.

During the first run of the program:

  • init_assistant is called exactly once before any calls to choose_cards;
  • choose_cards is called exactly $Q$ times. In each call, the returned chosen cards are stored in the grading system.

During the second run of the program:

  • init_magician is called exactly once before any calls to find_discarded_card;
  • find_discarded_card is called exactly $Q$ times. In each call, an arbitrary play of the trick is chosen, and the cards returned by choose_cards are used as the inputs to find_discarded_card.

In particular, any information saved to static or global variables in the first run of the program is not available in the second run of the program.


Consider the following call:

init_assistant(5, 3)

There are $5$ cards that will be used in all tricks, each will invite a spectator to choose $3$ distinct cards.

After initialization has been done by Pak Ganesh, consider the following call:

choose_cards([1, 2, 3])

This means the spectator chose cards numbered $1$, $2$, and $3$. Assume Pak Ganesh discarded card number $1$ and left card number $3$ before card number $2$ on the table, then choose_cards should return $[3, 2]$.

Consider another possible call:

choose_cards([1, 3, 4])

This means the spectator chose cards numbered $1$, $3$, and $4$. Assume Pak Ganesh discarded card number $3$ and left card number $1$ before card number $4$ on the table, then choose_cards should return $[1, 4]$.

Assume Pak Ganesh has left the cards on the table for all plays and consider the following call:

init_magician(5, 3)

The same information of $N$ and $K$ as Pak Ganesh is given to Pak Dengklek.

After initialization has been done by Pak Dengklek, consider the following call:

find_discarded_card([1, 4])

This means Pak Dengklek sees card numbers $1$ and $4$ in that order on the table. These cards are the same as the return value of choose_cards([1, 3, 4]). As Pak Ganesh discarded card number $3$ in that play, then find_discarded_card should return $3$.

Consider another call:

find_discarded_card([3, 2])

This means Pak Dengklek sees card numbers $3$ and $2$ in that order on the table. These cards are the same as the return value of choose_cards([1, 2, 3]). As Pak Ganesh discarded card number $1$ in that play, then find_discarded_card should return $1$.


  • $2 ≤ K ≤ 8$
  • $K ≤ N ≤ 10\,000$
  • $1 ≤ Q ≤ 50\,000$

For each call to choose_cards:

  • $1 ≤ cards[i] ≤ N$ (for each $i$ such that $0 ≤ i ≤ K - 1$).
  • All the elements of cards are distinct.

For each call to find_discarded_card:

  • All the inputs given are the same as all $Q$ return values of choose_cards in random order.



$N ≤ 3$, $K = 2$


$N ≤ 5$, $K = 3$


$N ≤ 12$, $K = 6$


$K = 8$

샘플 그레이더

The sample grader reads the input in the following format:

  • line $1$: $N$ $K$ $Q$
  • line $2 + i$ ($0 ≤ i ≤ Q - 1$): the $K$ cards chosen by the spectator for play $i$ in increasing order.

For each play in the same order as input, the sample grader prints Accepted: chosen_cards = <chosen_cards>; discarded_card = <discarded_card> if the trick is played correctly, where <chosen_cards> is the cards returned by choose_cards and <discarded_card> is the card returned by find_discarded_card.

For each play, the sample grader prints Wrong Answer: <MSG> if the trick is failed to be played correctly, where <MSG> is one of the following:

  • invalid number of chosen cards: the number of cards returned by chosen_cards is incorrect.
  • invalid chosen card number: any of the card numbers returned by chosen_cards is invalid.
  • duplicated chosen cards: there exist two cards returned by chosen_cards with the same number.
  • wrong discarded card: the card returned by find_discarded_card is not correct.


제출할 수 있는 언어

C++17, C++20, C++17 (Clang), C++20 (Clang)

채점 및 기타 정보

  • 예제는 채점하지 않는다.
  • 이 문제의 채점 우선 순위는 2이다.