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You are given a rooted tree of $n$ vertices, and $r$ is the root of the tree. Each vertex $x$ has value $a_x$.

Let us define the DFS procedure starting from $x$ to find $y$:

  1. Push $x$ on the stack.
  2. Check $w$, the top element of the stack. If $w = y$, the procedure ends. Otherwise, if there is at least one son of $w$ which is not visited, choose one such son with equal probability and push it on the stack.
  3. Repeat step 2 until there is no unvisited son.
  4. Pop the top element from the stack.
  5. Repeat step 2 until the stack is empty.

The procedure is legal if and only if $y$ is in the subtree of $x$.

Define $f(x,y)$ as the expectation of the minimum value of all vertices which were pushed on the stack during the DFS procedure starting from $x$ to find $y$.

Now we want to calculate $\sum f(x,y)$ for all legal pairs $(x,y)$. It can be shown that the answer can be expressed as an irreducible fraction $\frac{x}{y}$, where $x$ and $y$ are integers and $y\not \equiv 0\pmod {998\,244\,353}$. Output the integer equal to $x\cdot y^{-1}\pmod {998\,244\,353}$. In other words, output an integer $a$ such that $0\leq a < 998\,244\,353$ and $a\cdot y\equiv x\pmod {998\,244\,353}$.


The first line contains an integer $T$ ($1 \leq T \leq 100$), denoting the number of test cases.

For each test case, the first line contains two integers $n$ and $r$ ($1 \leq n \leq 4 \cdot 10^5$, $1 \leq r \leq n$), denoting the number of vertices in the tree and the root.

The following line contains $n$ integers, the $i$-th integer of them is $a_i $($1\leq a_i\leq 10^9$) denoting the value of vertex $i$.

Each of the next $n-1$ lines contains two integers $u$ and $v$ ($1 \leq u,v \leq n$), denoting an edge of the tree.

It is guaranteed that $\sum n \leq 8 \cdot 10^5$. It is also guaranteed that the given graph is indeed a tree.


Output $T$ lines. Each line must contain one integer: the answer to the respective test case.

예제 입력 1

1 1
3 3
3 3 4
3 1
3 2
6 1
5 2 4 1 3 6
1 2
1 6
2 3
2 4
4 5
5 1
5 4 3 2 1
1 2
1 3
3 4
3 5

예제 출력 1