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Given a task, you should write a program that solves the task using the instructions below. Let $x_t$ denote the result of the $t$-th instruction. The permitted instructions, the syntax, and the result $x_t$ are given below:

Name Operator Parameters Effects
Input I N/A Read a real number from the terminal and make the number $x_t$
Output O $i$ Print $x_i$ to the terminal, and $x_t = x_i$
Addition + $i \quad j$ $x_t = x_i + x_j$
Adding constant C $i \quad c$ $x_t = x_i +c$
Negate - $i$ $x_t = -x_i $
Left shift < $i \quad k$ $x_t = x_i \cdot 2^k $
Right shift > $i \quad k$ $x_t = x_i \cdot 2^{-k} $
S S $i$ $x_t = s(x_i) $
Comparison P $i \quad j$ $x_t = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} -1 & \quad x_i < x_j \\ 0 & \quad x_i = x_j \\ 1 & \quad x_i > x_j \end{array} \right. $
Max M $i \quad j$ $x_t = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} x_i & \quad x_i > x_j \\ x_j & \quad x_i \leq x_j \\ \end{array} \right. $
Multiplication * $i \quad j$ $x_i = x_i \cdot x_j$

Here, the definition of $s(x)$ is given below where $e = 2.718281828459045\ldots$ is the base of natural logarithm:

$$\displaystyle s(x) = \frac{1}{1 + e^{-x}}.$$

Notice there is a penalty for using the P, M, and * operators. See details below in the "grading" section.

For each instruction, the parameters $i$ and $j$ must be smaller than the current instruction number $t$. The instructions are executed in the order, one by one.

The operations have finite precision: in particular, the results are only accurate up to 90 digits after the decimal point and the rest will be rounded. Similarly, the argument $c$ to the adding constant instruction can have at most 90 digits in its decimal part.

For left shift and right shift instructions, $k$ must be a non-negative integer not exceeding 10000.

The ten tasks are given below:

  • Task 1: Given $a,b$ where $|a|, |b| \leq 10^9$ and $a,b$ have at most 9 digits in their decimal parts, compute $-2a-2b$.
  • Task 2: Given $a$ where $|a| \leq 10^9$ and $a$ has at most 9 digits in its decimal part, compute $\frac{1}{1+e^{17a}}$.
  • Task 3: Given $a$ where $|a| \leq 10^9$ and $a$ has at most 9 digits in its decimal part, compute $ \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} -1 & \quad a < 0\\ 0 & \quad a = 0\\ 1 & \quad a > 0 \end{array} \right. $.
  • Task 4: Given $a$ where $|a| \leq 10^9$ and $a$ has at most 9 digits in its decimal part, compute the absolute value of $a$, $|a|$.
  • Task 5: Given $a_1,\ldots,a_{32}$ where $a_1,\ldots,a_{32} \in \{0,1\}$, treat $a_1a_2 \cdots a_{32}$ as a binary number where $a_1$ is the most significant bit and $a_{32}$ is the least significant bit, compute the corresponding value (in base 10).
  • Task 6: Given integer $a$ where $0 \leq a < 2^{32}$, output 32 integers denoting $a$ in base 2 representation. The most significant bit should be printed first and the least significant bit should be printed last. If $a$ has less than 32 bits in its binary representation, add leading 0s.
  • Task 7: Given integers $a,b$ where $0 \leq a,b < 2^{32}$, compute the bitwise XOR of $a$ and $b$.
  • Task 8: Given $a$ where $|a| \leq 10^9$ and $a$ has at most 9 digits in its decimal part, output $\frac{a}{10}$.
  • Task 9: Given $a_1,\ldots,a_{16}$ where $|a_i| \leq 10^9$ and $a_i$ has at most 9 digits in its decimal part, print 16 real numbers representing the result of sorting $a_1,\ldots,a_{16}$ in ascending order.
  • Task 10: Given integers $a,b,m$ where $0 \leq a,b < 2^{32}$, $1 \leq m < 2^{32}$, compute the remainder after dividing $a \times b$ by $m$ (i.e. compute $a \times b \bmod m$).


The $i$-th line describes the $i$-th instruction: first, you should output a letter denoting the operation. Then output several (or zero) integers denoting the parameters to the operation. The operator and the parameters (and between parameters) should be separated by a single space.

You can output at most $10^4$ lines.


You are given nodes1.ans to nodes10.ans as well as example checkers. Each file corresponds to the grading parameters of the given task.

The test cases and the checker are available here.

Each file consists of 10 lines. The $i$-th line consists of a parameter $w_i$. The perfect score for a task is 10 points, and the tasks are graded independently.

If your output is not well-formatted or does not comply with the restrictions outlined in the problem, you will get 0 points on the task.

Otherwise, the checker will generate several test cases and run your program over the test cases.

If at some intermediate step during execution, the result $x_t$ has an absolute value exceeding $10^{1000}$, you will get 0 points on the subtask.

If one of the numbers printed (by an $O$ instruction) by your program differs with the expected output by at least $10^{-9}$, you will get 0 points on the subtask.

If your program passes the test cases, the number of points you get on the task, $i$, is the maximum $i$ such that $n \leq w_i$ where $n$ is the number of instructions in your program. If $n > w_1$, you will receive 0 points.

In particular, if you use comparison P, max M, or multiplication * instructions, for each type of instruction used, you will receive a penalty of 4 points for the task. Notice here the number of times you use each of the instructions is not relevant - what matters is the type of instructions used. For example, if you only use the comparison instruction but use it for multiple times, you will receive a 4 point deduction for the task. If you use both comparison and multiplication once, you wil receive a 8 points deduction for the task.

You can at least receive 0 points on a task: you won't receive a negative point on any task.

If you receive Wrong Answer at BOJ, it is likely that the program you wrote has syntax errors. If your program tries to read additional numbers from the terminal, contains too many instructions, has invalid parameters, overflows at some intermediate steps, or produces wrong outputs over a test case for your program, you shall receive WA.


First, please switch to the folder for the problem in the termimal using cd nodes: this assumes the nodes folder contains the inputs, outputs, and the checker for the problem.

Next, if you are using 64-bit Linux, run ./checker_linux64 <case_no> where <case_no> is the number of the task. For example, ./checker_linux64 3 grades nodes3.out.

If you are using Windows, run ./checker_win32 3.

If you are using 32-bit Linux, run ./checker_linux32 3.

If you are using Linux and you cannot run the checker, try executing chmod +x checker_linux64 or chmod +x checker_linux32 in the terminal and retry.

Finally, in the terminal you can use the command ./checker -f <file_name> to run the program given by <file_name> and interact with the terminal.

Warning: The checker provided does not necessarily run the same set of test cases as the checker for final evaluation!

예제 입력 1


예제 출력 1

+ 1 1
- 2
+ 4 4
- 5
+ 3 6
- 7
- 8
O 9

This program solves the first task. It has 10 instructions, which should give you 3 points on the task.

제출할 수 있는 언어


채점 및 기타 정보

  • 10점 이상을 획득해야 를 받는다.
  • 예제는 채점하지 않는다.