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Canada is cold in winter, but some parts are colder than others. Your task is very simple, you need to find the coldest city in Canada. So, when given a list of cities and their temperatures, you are to determine which city in the list has the lowest temperature and is thus the coldest.


The input is a sequence of city names and temperature values. Temperatures are integer, possibly preceded with a “minus” sign. There is a single space between the city name and the temperature. No city name contains any whitespace and is always less than 256 characters in length. There is at least one city in the list, no more than 10000 cities, and the last city is always Waterloo. You may assume that the temperature is not less than −273 and not more than 200.


You are to output the name of the coldest city on a single line with no whitespace before or after the name. You may assume that there will not be more than one city which is the coldest.

예제 입력 1

Saskatoon -20
Toronto -2
Winnipeg -40
Vancouver 8
Halifax 0
Montreal -4
Waterloo -3

예제 출력 1
