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Professor Logophile is the local crossword puzzle setter. He has a very idiosyncratic way of working — he writes the words into a blank grid and then fills in the unused squares. That is the easy bit, but he has trouble doing the next bit — numbering the puzzle and preparing the the clues. 

This is where you come in. Given a completed crossword, print out a form on which the clues can be written (showing word lengths). Note that he always prepares a true crossword, i.e. there is always at least one word in each direction and there is always at least one shared letter. All words contain three or more letters.


Input will be a series of crosswords. The first line of each crossword will be a pair of integers (r and c, 3 ≤ r c ≤ 20) giving the number of rows and columns of the crossword. This will be followed r rows each containing c characters. Each character will be either an uppercase letter or a ‘@’ representing a black square. The file will be terminated by a pair of zeroes (0 0).


For each crossword, the output will start with a line containing “Crossword puzzle <cwnum>” where <cwnum> is a running number starting at 1, followed by a form showing the clue number and length for both across and down clues. Each form begins with the word ‘Across’ or ‘Down’ as appropriate, followed by a line for each across or down word that appears in the crossword. Each line begins with the word number with no preceding spaces followed by a full stop, two spaces, an open parenthesis (‘(‘), the length of the word with no preceding spaces and a closing parenthesis (‘)’). Leave one blank line between the ‘Across’ and ‘Down’ parts and between successive crosswords.

예제 입력 1

5 13
0 0

예제 출력 1

Crossword puzzle 1
1.  (5)
4.  (6)
5.  (5)
7.  (7)
2.  (5)
3.  (5)
4.  (3)
6.  (3)