일반(공개)2020년 11월 28일 13:47:38So in python, I should create the class Main and some function which takes as argument input right? For the second B problem, is it right? class Main: def main(number):
2020년 11월 28일 13:53:00

No, submit a complete program that takes the input from stdin and prints the answer to stdout.

일반(공개)2020년 11월 28일 13:47:03Do we have a penalty for the wrong attempts or for time?
2020년 11월 28일 13:55:06

There is no penalty for any repeated wrong or partial submissions. Specifically, your penalty for each problem equals to the time in minutes you reached your highest score for that problem. The total sum of penalty will be used for tie-breaking.

틀린 제출이나 부분 점수 제출에 따른 패널티는 없습니다. 각 문제에 대한 패널티는, 자신의 최고점에 도달한 시각을 대회 시작 기준 분(minute) 단위로 계산합니다. 동점의 경우 패널티의 총합으로 순위를 결정합니다.

일반(공개)2020년 11월 28일 13:31:03Hello, can you explain how should I submit my work? Should I make class which accept input or what? Platform is poor designated and everything here in korean
2020년 11월 28일 13:47:33

In the problem view, you can switch to English descriptions by clicking 한국어(Korean) next to the problem title, and selecting 영어(English).

The [제출](Submit) tab is for submission. You can select your programming language in 언어(Language) list, paste your code in the text area below, and click the blue [제출] button at the bottom to submit your code.

Your program should read from standard input and write answers to standard output. The program should comply to [시간 제한](Time limit, in 초=seconds) and [메모리 제한](Memory limit, in megabytes) displayed in problem view. If you are using Java, your public class name should be Main and you should implement the function public static void main(String[]).

You will be redirected to submission result. Examples of verdicts are:

  • N점: Your submission has scored N points.
  • 틀렸습니다: Your submissions has printed a wrong answer in at least one case for every subtask, and scored 0 points.
  • 시간 초과: Time limit exceeded.
  • 메모리 초과: Memory limit exceeded.
  • 컴파일 에러: Compile error.

[스코어보드](Scoreboard) tab shows the current scoreboard, and you can see your previous submissions and their results in [내 결과](My submissions) tab. You can switch to other problems by choosing them in [다른 문제](Other problems) list, or go back to the contest main page by [메인](Main).

Other helpful keywords are: 서브태스크(Subtask), 입력(input)/출력(output), 제한 (limits), 예제 입력(example input)/예제 출력(example output).

일반(공개)2020년 11월 28일 13:08:39비디오는 언제부터 켜야하나요?
2020년 11월 28일 13:11:25

Zoom에서 카메라를 켜실 필요는 없습니다. 하지만 시상식이 끝날 때까지 접속을 유지해 주시기 바랍니다.

You do not have to turn on your camera in Zoom.However, please keep connected to Zoom session till the award ceremony.