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Mergesort is a quick sorting algorithm invented by John Von Neumann in 1945. In the heart of the algorithm lies a procedure that combines two already sorted sequences into a new sorted sequence. In this task you need to write a programme which does a similar thing.

Let A and B be sequences of integers sorted in ascending order, the sequence A is called small sequence and B large sequence. As it can be derived from these names, the sequence A contains less or equal number of elements than sequence B, and often the sequence A is a lot shorter. The sequence C is obtained by combining sequences A and B in such a way that first we sequentially take all the numbers from sequence A and then, after them, sequentially take all the numbers from sequence B. We use the notation C[X] to denote the Xth element of sequence C where X is an integer in the interval from 1 to total number of elements in sequence C.

In the beginning, your programme knows only the lengths of sequences A and B, but not the sequence elements themselves. The programme must sort the sequence C in ascending order using only the following interactive commands:

  • ‘cmp X Y ’ is a command which compares C[X] and C[Y] returns −1 if C[X] is less than C[Y], 1 if C[X] is greater than C[Y] and 0 if they are equal.
  • ‘reverse X Y ’ is a command which reverses a subsequence of sequence C between the Xth and Y th element (inclusive). For example, if sequence C is equal to (2, 5, 2, 3) then the ’reverse 2 4’ command will alter it so it becomes (2, 3, 2, 5).
  • ‘end’ is a command that denotes the end of interaction and your programme should call it when the sequence C is sorted in ascending order.

The cost of command ‘reverse X Y ’ is equal to the length of the reversed subsequence (in other words, Y − X + 1), whereas the rest of the commands do not have a cost. Write a programme that will sort the sequence C obtained by combining sorted sequences A and B as described above using at most 100 000 commands in total (including the command ‘end’) and additionally, so that the total cost of all ‘reverse’ commands is at most 3 000 000).


Before interacting, your programme must read two integers from the standard input, NA and NB (1 ≤ NA ≤ 1 000, NA ≤ NB ≤ 1 000 000) - lengths of sequences A and B.

Afterwards, your programme can give commands by outputting using the standard output. Each command must be output in its own line and has to be in the exact form of one of the three commands described in the task. Regarding commands ‘cmp’ and ‘reverse’, X and Y have to be integers less than or equal to NA + NB, and regarding the command reverse, it additionally must hold that X is less than or equal to Y .

After each given command, your program needs to flush the standard output.

After command ‘cmp’, your programme must input one integer using the standard input - the command result. After other commands, your program must not input anything. After outputting the command ‘end’, your programme needs to flush the standard output and finish executing.


Output Input Sequence C Cost
  2 3 -1 3 2 5 5  
cmp 1 4 -1 -1 3 2 5 5  
reverse 2 5   -1 5 5 2 3 4
cmp 2 3 0 -1 5 5 2 3  
reverse 4 5   -1 5 5 3 2 2
reverse 2 5   -1 2 3 5 5 4

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