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This is an interactive problem.

Jack and Jill play "guess the number". Initially, Jill has to choose a secret number: an integer from $1$ to $10^{9}$. After that, Jack asks questions in the form "is it the number $x$?" with some integer $x$ from $1$ to $10^{9}$. For each question, Jill has to answer either "yes", or "no, my number is greater", or "no, my number is less". The game ends when Jack correctly guesses the secret number, or after $100$ questions if it does not happen by then.

Despite Jack's best efforts, he was not able to guess the number in less than $30$ questions. He realized that Jill is cheating: instead of choosing a secret number in advance, she answers the questions in such a way that the game lasts long enough. Jack pondered: how does she do that?

This is an interactive problem: you play as Jill, and the jury plays as Jack. Your task is to answer the questions in such a way that Jack asks at least $30$ questions before the game ends. Keep in mind that your answers should not contradict each other: otherwise, Jack will immediately call you out on it!

인터랙션 프로토콜

The game consists of steps. Each step starts with the jury giving an integer $x$ ($1 \le x \le 10^{9}$) on a separate line: the number for which Jack asks "is $x$ the secret number?". In response, your solution must print one character on a separate line: "=" if Jill's reply is "yes", or ">" if Jill's reply is "no, my number is greater", or "<" if Jill's reply is "no, my number is less".

After printing the line with the character, flush the output buffer: this can be done by calling, for example, fflush (stdout) in C or C++, System.out.flush () in Java, flush (output) in Pascal, or sys.stdout.flush () in Python.

If Jill's answers contradict each other, or Jill answers "yes", or $100$ steps were made, the game finishes immediately, and your solution must terminate gracefully. Your solution passes a test if the answers were not contradictory and the number of steps was at least $30$.

Jack uses different playing strategies in different tests.

예제 입력 1

...and so on...

예제 출력 1

...and so on...

예제 입력 2

...and so on...

예제 출력 2

...and so on...


In the first example, Jack says numbers $1$, $2$, $3$, and so on. In the second example, Jack says numbers $1000$, $999$, $998$, and so on. He is guaranteed to follow these two strategies in the first two tests.

In both examples, Jill just chose $30$ as the secret number in advance. Your solution may of course use any other strategy.

채점 및 기타 정보

  • 예제는 채점하지 않는다.