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Marcel started doing speedruns, in hopes to get a new Wr (World Record). Sadly, he cannot master the newly discovered strats, so he has to find a way to gain an unfair advantage.

The game he’s trying to get good at is called Tree Souls III, and he’s trying to get a Wr in the full-tree% category.

The game takes place, as the name implies, on a tree (i.e. a graph with $N$ vertices, numbered from $1$ to $N$, and $N - 1$ edges, such that there are no cycles).

The game works as follows: the character is placed in an arbitrary node inside the tree. He can choose an integer $x$, and try to walk from the node he’s in to the node $x$. If there is an edge between $x$ and the node he’s standing in, he will move to $x$, otherwise nothing happens. His speedrun is valid if he visits each node at least once.

Now, here comes the cheating part: since he doesn’t know the edge-teleportation-glitch, he is going to set the seed for his world, therefore, he will know how the tree looks like before starting the run. If he just memorizes the tree, it will be too obvious that he’s cheating, so he will be instantly banned from the speedrunning community, therefore he will just put some hints in each node (by tampering with the code). A hint is a binary string of size $l$ ($l$ is the same for every hint in each node). When he sits on a node, he can read the hint assigned to the node he’s currently in.

인터랙션 프로토콜

This is a two-interaction problem!

Your code will be run twice, one run for the first interaction (the hint-setting phase), and one run for the second interaction (the speedrunning phase).

You must implement the following functions (and not main).

void assignHints (int subtask, int N, int A[], int B[]);
void speedrun(int subtask, int N, int start);

Using the following callable functions:

void setHintLen (int l);
void setHint(int i, int j, bool b);
int getLength ();
bool getHint(int j);
bool goTo(int x);

Hint-setting phase. This is the first run of your code. In this phase, the committee’s code will call the assignHints function exactly once. It will give it subtask, which is the index of the given subtask, and $N$ as parameters, and it will pass the edges of the tree in $A$ and $B$ as follows: for each $i = 1, \dots , N -1$, there will be an edge between $A[i]$ and $B[i]$. You must then call the setHintLen function exactly once, giving it the length of hints you have decided to use as a parameter. After you have called setHintLen, you may then call the setHint(i, j, b) function multiple times. This sets bit j of the hint for node i to b. The bits are indexed from $1$ to $l$. The hints are initially filled with zeroes. In this phase you must not call the getLength, getHint or goTo functions. Your code should exit from assignHints when you are done assigning hints.

Speedrunning phase. This is the second run of your code. In this phase, the committee’s code will call the speedrun(subtask, N, start) function exactly once, telling it the node start in which the speedrunner begins, as well as the value of $N$. Additionaly, you also receive the index of the subtask through the parameter subtask. You can then call the getLength() function, which returns $l$, the length of the hints set by your program in the first phase, the getHint(j) function which tells you bit $j$ of the hint for the node you are currently at, and the goTo function. If the parameter given to goTo is the index of a node with an edge to the current node, then the function returns true and you move to that node. Otherwise, it returns false and you do not move from the current node. In this phase you must not call the setHint or setHintLen functions. Your code should eventually exit from the speedrun function after you have visited all the nodes in the tree.


  • $1 ≤ N ≤ 1\,000$
  • Let $Q$ be the number of calls to goTo which returned false. In what follows we outline constraints for $l$ and $Q$ that must be respected in order to earn score for each subtask.

서브태스크 1 (21점)

  • $l ≤ N$
  • $Q ≤ 2000$
  • The score for the subtask will be $21$ if all tests have been solved correctly, and will be $0$ otherwise.

서브태스크 2 (8점)

  • $l ≤ 20$
  • $Q ≤ 2000$
  • The tree is a star; i.e. there is a node $x$ ($1 ≤ x ≤ N$) which is connected to every other node.
  • The score for the subtask will be $8$ if all tests have been solved correctly, and will be $0$ otherwise.

서브태스크 3 (19점)

  • $l ≤ 20$
  • $Q ≤ 2000$
  • The degree of each node is at most $2$.
  • The score for the subtask will be $19$ if all tests have been solved correctly, and will be $0$ otherwise.

서브태스크 4 (12점)

  • $l ≤ 316$
  • $Q ≤ 32000$
  • The score for the subtask will be $12$ if all tests have been solved correctly, and will be $0$ otherwise.

서브태스크 5 (40점)

  • $Q ≤ 2000$
  • The score $s$ of each test is computed as follows. If $l > 40$, then $s = 0$. If $l ≤ 20$, then $s = 40$. Otherwise, $s = 60 − l$. That is, if $l = 40$, you will receive half the points for the test, and if $l ≤ 20$, you will receive full score for the test. The score for the subtask will be the minimum of the values $s$ over all tests in the subtask.


In the first interaction (hint-setting phase), the contestant’s function will be called as follows:

assignHints (
  /* subtask = */ 1,
  /* N       = */ 5,
  /* A       = */ {-, 1, 2, 3, 3},
  /* B       = */ {-, 2, 3, 4, 5});

This function, in turn, might choose to set $l = 2$:

setHintLen (/* l = */ 2);

And then to leave all bits of the hints set to $0$, except for bit $1$ of node $2$, which it sets to $1$:

  /* i = */ 2,
  /* j = */ 1,
  /* b = */ 1);

Then, it exits. The first instance of the contestant’s program will now be terminated, hence any data being stored in memory by this program will be lost. By now, the hints are "00" for every node, except node $2$, which has the hint "10".

In the second interaction (speedrunning phase), the contestant’s function will be called:

  /* subtask = */ 1,
  /* N       = */ 5,
  /* start   = */ 1);

In reply, the function begins speedrunning the tree:

getLength (); // = 2
getHint (1);  // = 0
getHint (2);  // = 0
goTo (2);     // = true
getHint (1);  // = 1
getHint (2);  // = 0

At this point, you were initially in node $1$, found out that $l = 2$ and that the hint of node $1$ is "00", then successfully moved to node $2$ and found out that the hint of node $2$ is "10". Execution can continue as follows:

goTo (2); // = false (you can not go from node 2 back to itself)
goTo (5); // = false (there is no edge from node 2 to node 5)
goTo (3); // = true
goTo (4); // = true
goTo (3); // = true
goTo (5); // = true

At this point all nodes have been reached, and so the speedrun function may exit. The value of $Q = 2$, because $2$ calls to goTo have returned false.

제출할 수 있는 언어

C++17, C++20, C++17 (Clang), C++20 (Clang)

채점 및 기타 정보

  • 예제는 채점하지 않는다.